Mazeltov to Fuzzy Shar on the birth of his Einingkel, Princess to his daughter Efrat & Yosi Sher
Mazeltov to Kayla & Chad Binder on the Bris of their Prince, Brooklyn
Mazeltov to Gabi & Eli Hodes ,on the Birth of their Princess
With gratitude to Hashem we welcome twin granddaughters born to Romi (Levin) & Jason Israelsohn in California.
Latest " Little Smoekie" arrived on Monday....Mazzies to Ricci (Kaplan) & Martin Smookler & the whole Mishpocha
Mazeltov to Dylan & Sarah Berger on the birth of their Zunnelle
Mazeltov to Aviva & Yoshi Tal Ohr on the birth of their Prince last night in Israel
Mazeltov to Stacey (Epstein) & Darren Bloch on the Birth of their Princess in Melbourne
Mazeltov to Jodi & Anthony Lipkin on the birth of their Zunnele in Tooo-Run-Tooo
Mazeltov to Yoni and Janna Feldman, on the birth of their Princess Ayla Sara Feldman, born in Singapore
Dennis Kalish's daughter Julie with his newest Einingkel....Talia
Mazeltov to Carloyn & Dennis Kalish on the birth of their Einingkel in NY
Mazzies to Kara & Delon Lichtestein on the birth of their twin Zunnelle's
Mazeltov to Robyn (Berger) & Dean Kantor on teh birth of their Prince ; Samuel Joseph Kantor
Mazeltov to Natalie & Mandy Lyons on the birth of their Zunnelle in Port Elizabeth
Mazeltov to Kim & Jason Levy on the birth of their Prince
“Lauri and Craig Kussel are ecstatic with their princess, Mia Pearl Kussel after 3 princes!” In London
Mazeltov to Sarah & Dylan Berger on the birth of their Princess
Mazeltov to Bobba & Zaida Gerald & Rhoanne Davids on the birth of their Princess in Israel
Mazeltov to Menachem Mendel Brachi Fox on the birth of their Zunnelle in Melbourne