From the Beloved Country may you have a shana tova and easy fast. May Hashem inscribe all of you for a healthy and prosperous year) Stan The Good Shabbos Man is a weekly ‘Mishugas’ on the internet …..Which has weathered a GROOOOOT storm along the way, to reach the milestone of 23 years….. What a bobby it has been….It has taken ME AROUND THE WORLD many times, and the 98% positivity towards the letter encourages me to continue, for how long I don’t know….??? It has become such a ‘humungous’ task, to sort through info each week, try and get the most interesting data out that Yidden would like to read, answer the hundreds of personal E-mails a year…..and try and keep everyone happy…….
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Paula 23 September 2023
Parlez vous Francaise Stan?